When it comes to giving back, SHN Foundation donor and Floors @ Work Founder and CEO David Maung knows it’s our duty as citizens.
“I help wherever the needs arise,” David tells us. “Helping people is a universal concept and it’s our duty as Canadians to give back to our communities.”
David came to Canada from Malaysia 31 years ago with his wife and daughter. They didn’t know a single soul and had no other family to rely on. So, David got to work building a life for himself and his family in Toronto.
“I started Floors @ Work in 2007, and am fortunate that it’s become a very successful business,” David continues. “So, after I did my share of hard work and I’m comfortable, I thought I should help others.”
David has certainly helped others. Since 2019, David has been a dedicated supporter of SHN Foundation. Giving back by not only purchasing and delivering hot meals to our frontline workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, he recently made an incredible gift of $200,000 to help create the new Medical Imaging Concourse at the General hospital. With this gift, he has given an incredible $260,000 cumulatively to SHN Foundation.
David’s support of the new Medical Imaging & Vascular Centre will allow our talented health care teams to work collaboratively with modern, state-of-the-art equipment that will improve the patient experience. The new Centre will increase capacity, reduce wait times and provide an accessible, comfortable space for patients and families. To learn more about diagnostic imaging at SHN, click here.
Although David lives and works in Mississauga, he doesn’t think giving should be limited to your postal code.
“To me, Canada is one and the same. By helping out one community in Canada, you’re helping all of them,” says David. “I don’t just limit my support to Mississauga, Scarborough or any particular neighbourhood. Especially when it comes to health care, which is something every Canadian depends on.”
All of us at SHN Foundation are extremely grateful for generous donors and supporters like David. Donors who recognize that equitable and compassionate health care shouldn’t depend on your postal code and that everyone deserves access to world-class health care.
If you would like to join David and support us, visit SHNFoundation.ca/DONATE today!