The late Au Bak Ling, Lord of Georgeham, not only was the founder of a successful global business group — Ling Kee Group, but he had also been active in philanthropy for over 4 decades. In 2009, Lord Au Bak Ling established the Au Bak Ling Charity Trust (“ABLCT”) to help the underprivileged in 4 major areas, namely emergency and poverty relief, education and training, youth development and medical health. To date, ABLCT has already given over 3.2 million kg of rice, benefitting over 60,000 poverty-stricken families and solitary individuals in Hong Kong, and more than 350 scholarships for teachers-in-training in Hong Kong SAR and China. ABLCT has also sponsored agritech research of the University of Fraser Valley and the University of Guelph, and provided scholarships to students of both Canadian universities entering the high tech industries.
During the last phase of his life, Lord Au Bak Ling suffered from chronic kidney disease. He understood first-hand the suffering arising from his weekly dialysis treatments. His aim was to set up a hemodialysis clinic to provide better care for dialysis patients. Unfortunately, that wish did not materialize during his lifetime. By chance, both Cynthia Wong of CBRE and Stanley Kwan of Legasus introduced the Bridletowne Neighbourhood Centre Hemodialysis Unit project on separate occasions in 2023 to Lord Au’s third and fifth child, namely Allen Au and Angela Au. It was serendipity that Lord Au Bak Ling’s children came across the Bridletowne Hemodialysis Unit project. They therefore decided to have ABLCT donate $2M to Scarborough Health Network to fulfil their late Father’s wish. This transformational donation will be used to create the Au Bak Ling Hemodialysis Unit at the new Bridletowne Neighbourhood Centre that will provide dialysis care for chronic kidney disease patients, creating enduring impact to the local community for years to come.
Thank you to Lord Au Bak Ling and the Au Bak Ling Charity trust for their transformational donation. This gift will save lives by changing how critical dialysis care is accessed by those with chronic kidney disease, and the impact of your generosity will be felt for years to come.
已故的喬治漢姆勳爵區百齡先生,除了創立一個成功的跨國企業集團 - 齡記集團以外,還一生致力參與慈善工作四十餘年。他在2009年成立了「區百齡慈善基金會」,從四大範疇幫助貧困社群,當中包括:應急扶貧、教育和培訓、青年發展,以及醫療和保健。至今,「區百齡慈善基金會」已捐贈320餘萬公斤的大米給60,000多個香港貧困家庭及獨居者,以及提供了超過350個獎學金給在香港特別行政區及中國內地的準教師。除此以外,「區百齡慈善基金會」亦贊助弗雷澤河谷大學和圭爾夫大學的農業科研,並為在這兩間加拿大大學就讀、即將投身高科技行業的學生,提供獎學金。 區百齡勳爵在他生命的最後階段,患有慢性腎衰竭疾病,親身感受到每週接受透析治療所帶來的痛苦。他的心願,便是要建立一間血液透析診所,為慢性腎衰竭病患者提供更好的護理。遺憾的是,這個願望在他生前沒有實現。在2023年的一次偶然機會,區百齡勳爵的三子區緯國先生及五女區美玲小姐,分別透過CBRE的Cynthia Wong 和 Legasus的 Stanley Kwan,得悉到拜杜登鄰里社區中心血液透析中心的這個項目。因此,他們決定以「區百齡慈善基金會」的名義,捐贈二百萬加元給士嘉堡健康網絡,以完成先父的遣願。這項善款將會用於在拜杜登鄰里中心,創建Au Bak Ling Hemodialysis Unit, 為患慢性腎衰竭的病人提供血液透析護理服務,從而給社區帶來長遠、持續的功效和裨益