When thinking of making a Will, it’s commonly thought that only those of a certain age or circumstance stand to benefit. However, having a Will is incredibly important for everyone. While it can be uncomfortable to think about, this document makes sure your loved ones are protected in the case of your sudden passing. It also can include important information about your end-of-life care and medical directives, saving your loved ones from guessing what you would have wanted.
Did you know you can make your Will online for free?
SHN Foundation has partnered with Willfora – a free online Will platform whose mission is to help every adult support the people and causes that are most important to them. Causes like equitable healthcare in Scarborough.
Why should you make a Will online?
- Saves valuable time instead of going to an attorney
- Online Wills are 100% legal and valid
- It’s easy to make updates or changes
- Your family will be protected and know your wishes
- You can include causes that are important to you and change the world for the better after you’re gone
Visit Willfora.com today to get started and choose Scarborough Health Network as your charity of choice. By including SHN in your plans, you can make a difference for your community long into the future – all while taking care of your loved ones.
If you have questions about planned giving, contact Verna Chen at vchen@shn.ca or 416-219-5789, or visit our Legacy Giving page.