Endy, Canada’s leading online mattress brand, recently announced the launch of their year-long Healthcare Heroes Giving Campaign, which will transform hospital on-call rooms across Canada (including here at Scarborough Health Network) by outfitting them with the brand’s beloved and Canadian-made Endy mattresses. This initiative is an expansion of Endy’s always-on donation program, through which the company has donated more than 10,000 mattresses to-date to Canadian charities and hospitals.
“We are committed to transforming hospital call rooms across Canada, and supporting the doctors and nurses who are fighting on the frontlines for us,” said Rajen Ruparell, Chairman & Founder, Endy. “When we learned that our frontline workers were sleeping on stretchers at the height of the pandemic, we knew we had to do something. It is our responsibility as a Canadian technology and e-commerce leader to step up when called upon.”
To kick off the newly expanded, year-long Healthcare Heroes Giving Campaign for 2021, Endy announced new donations to six additional hospitals, bringing the total number of hospital partners to-date to 13 nationwide. This included 21 mattresses delivered to SHN, which will be installed in on-call rooms across the Birchmount, Centenary and General hospitals over the coming days.
“Our clinical teams at SHN make themselves available to their patients 24 hours a day 365 days a year across each of our 3 sites,” Dr. Martin Betts, Corporate Chief and Medical Director, Critical Care, Scarborough Health Network. “This takes us away from our homes and families for extended periods. Our partnership with Endy, that recognizes this commitment and goes beyond to provide a degree of comfort, is much appreciated by us all on the front lines. It will go some ways to improving sleep and wellness at a time when these have been in short supply.”
Thank you to Endy for including SHN in this incredible initiative!